- Dementia Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-CA Alzheimer disease (AD), Vascular dementia (stroke), Senile cognitive dysfunction Dementia TherapyAD is a terrifying disorder that 10% of people aged 65 and 50% of people aged 85 suffer from, and unfortunately in the late stage, patients cannot even recognize their family members.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating AD disease are tissue-compatible stem cells over-expressing cognitive functional gene (CA). The DCS-CA cells not only recover both learning/memory function and physical activity, but also extend the health span by regenerating brain cells.
- Stroke Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-CF Ischemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke Stroke TherapyCerebral strokes occurring due to the brain hemorrhage or infarction can destroy our lives in one moment by paralyzing our body or leading to coma.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating stroke are tissue-compatible stem cells over-expressing cognitive functional gene (CA) and neuroprotective/neuroregenerative genes (GF/NF). The cells reduce the infarction area to 1/10, and thereby recover the cognitive and bodily functions.
- Parkinson disease (PD) Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-TG Parkinson disease Parkinson disease (PD) TherapyPD is a dopaminergic neuronal degeneration disorder that impairs movement and physical activity, thus rendering the patients incapable of performing normal social activities.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating PD are tissue-compatible stem cells over-expressing dopamine-producing motor functional genes (TH & GTPCH1). The cells reverse movement disorder and behavioral abnormalities by increasing the dopamine secretion up to 2,000 times.
- Cerebral Palsy (CP) Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-O2 Cerebral palsy (CP), Multiple sclerosis (MS), Spinal cord injury (SCI) Cerebral Palsy (CP) TherapyCP is a physical disability with brain lesions caused by demyelination due to the suffocation or intrauterine infection during childbirth. CP patients can suffer from neuromotor disorders for their whole life.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating CP are oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) that form myelins (remyelination). The cells protect and regenerate myelins to maintain the body balance and recover the motor function.
- Tumor Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-CI Solid tumors, Metastatic tumors Tumor TherapyIn this super-aged society, anyone can have mutant cells, and the mutated cells can be developed to cancer cells due to insufficiency of immune function.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for the tumor destruction are tissue-compatible stem cells encoding tumor-killing (suicide)/immunomodulatory genes (CD & IFN-ß). The cells track and destroy solid and metastasized cancer cells without side effects of anticancer drugs.
- Arthritis Therapy
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-T2/DSC-aERCM Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Arthritis TherapyArthritis is one of the most common diseases of adults that results in severe pain and movement disorder, and thereby seriously limiting outdoor activities.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating arthritis are tissue-compatible stem cells stimulated by T2 (for proper differentiation into chondrocytes). In 6 months, full recovery (complete cartilage regeneration without pain) can be obtained.
Designed Cells’ stem cell exosomes are highly concentrated (50~100 times the normal CM) ERCM obtained via specific culture procedures that rapidly restores the joint cartilages by facilitating chondrocyte proliferation.
- Beauty/Health
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-cERCM/DSC-WRBF Skin regeneration, Wound healing, Whitening, Wrinkle care, Anti-atopy, Anti-acne Beauty/HealthStem cell exosomes are nano-particles containing > 2,000 functional molecules that readily penetrate bodily barriers (membranes) including the skin, and deliver the functional proteins to injured and aged tissues.
Designed Cells’ stem cell exosomes are highly concentrated (50~100 times the normal CM) ERCM obtained via specific culture procedures that facilitates skin regeneration and restores collagen layer.
Designed Cells’ cosmetics containing tissue-compatible ERCM and an active white rosebud fraction (WRBF) exert excellent skin whitening, anti-wrinkle, anti-atopy, and anti-acne effects via strong skin-regenerative, anti-oxidative, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory activities.
- Hair Regrowth/Follicle Strengthening
Product code: Target diseases: DSC-KGF Hair follicle strengthening, Hair regrowth Hair Regrowth/Follicle StrengtheningAlthough many different kinds of hair growth medicines have been developed, the users still display low levels of satisfaction due to hair loss when they stop using the product or when brushing their hair.
Designed Cells’ stem cells for treating baldness and hair loss are tissue-compatible stem cells encoding hair growth gene (KGF) that markedly facilitates hair regrowth without re-depilation and recovers glossy hair by strengthening the hair follicles.